Hey all! Tim here and maker of this game. If you like Boss 101 (and thank you so much if you do) - then we have released our NEW version on Steam. Basically, everything cranked up to eleven!

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DarkTimmy's News

Posted by DarkTimmy - January 6th, 2018

Hello and welcome to the first devblog post for the ZAZMO ARCADE PACK  or Z.A.P. from the fine folks at the Donley Time Foundation.

You may or may not be familiar with our previous release Boss 101 but for those of you who are you might notice some familiar themes in this game.


So, while we are gearing up for Boss 102 we wanted to do a little something fun and share our love of arcade style games with you.  To that end, the Zazmo Arcade pack takes themes and game ideas we had for Boss 101, revises them and EXPANDS on them. While they may look familiar to you we are working to add value and most of all fun for you and a friend!

That’s right folks – this is not only about you but you and a friend!

Two-Player Co-Op Play

All the games in the Zazmo Arcade Pack will have both co-op and single player variations. Additionally we will have a head to head version of our game Breakdown.

Planned games for the Zazmo Arcade pack with (working) titles

Breakdown Deluxe – inspired by classic arcade game Breakout (head to head, single player and co-op)
Mazard Deluxe – a Wizard of Wor style game (from the same game in the early 80’s) – single player and co-op
Tank Battle Deluxe (a Combat Style tank battle) - single player and co-op
Rob’s Adventure Deluxe – a Shooter/SHUMP type game – single player and co-op
Last Stand (working title) – a game inspired from the 80’s arcade classic Rip-Off – single player and co-op

Our game Tank War will get a co-op version in addition to the single player

Mazard will be also getting a co-op version!

Breakdown gets a co-op AND head to head version!

Rapid Prototype and Development

The idea behind the pack is to take an idea we already have, that we know is fun and works and then expand on it. We looked at Boss 101 and the arcade game inside it were something we always loved. It wasn’t a hard decision to consider those for a separate game and some added features.

Where we are at progress-wise

Well folks, we are getting rolling fresh in the new year. As you can see below we are just getting going. Mostly at this point we are bring over assets into the new game build and started the process of adjusting the placement of art. Gameplay is being introduced too and we are looking to drop in the two player components sooner than later. 

Some SUPER early screens of the first prototype… 

Oh man- here we go!

Here we have the first porting of the old art assets into the new build. As you can see there is a little re-jiggering to do. The old logo will be replaced and the new one will be dropped in. The overall formatting will stay the same.

WIP - first look at the main screen

This is a shot of Breakdown DX at its new size. Again - we are going to be adjusting the art a bit and adding in the two player option. This is where it all starts though!

WIP - first look at the Breakdown DX game screen

Though we are just starting we imagine this to be a rapid development situation. The idea here is we make a fun game, pack it with a ton of features and put it out there for you to enjoy. We expect to be able to hand out prototypes and early builds soon so drop us a line if you are interested. 

Contact: hello (at) donleytimefoundation (dot) com

We are aiming to have this devlog to be in the same vein as our Boss 101 devlog here in this forum : Boss 101 TIGForum

Ok - that's a wrap for our first post! Thanks for joining us and remember to always – LIVE YOUR DREAMS!


Check out our current game here:

Boss 101 - Out Now on Steam
Store Page: 
Please check it out if you would be so kind!

Posted by DarkTimmy - January 5th, 2018

Boss 101 - He's waiting for you!

Boss 101 is a patient guy. Go meet him!


And as always - live your dreams!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!
Boss 101 Steam Store Page
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!

Posted by DarkTimmy - January 3rd, 2018

Boss 101 - Welcome to 2018

Keep moving and working towards your goal! A screenshot from the upcoming free update to Boss 101 and its new arcade game Rob's Adventure!


And as always - live your dreams!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!
Boss 101 Steam Store Page:
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!

Posted by DarkTimmy - December 30th, 2017

Hello and welcome to the End of the Year Boss 101 update!

Thank you so much for joining us and we have some special announcements for you! Let’s GET GOING, shall we?

Boss 101 Update in January – New Arcade Game being added!

Yes, you heard that correctly. We are doing a game update in January and among the various adds, there will be a new arcade game called Rob’s Adventure. You know how Rob is always wanting to have some fun? Well, now he gets to explore and battle bad guys.

Check out the screens – just a small sample of what you can expect!

You access Rob’s Adventure from the Command Center the same way you access all the arcade games. From there you can select Rob’s Adventure to get going!



Rob’s Adventure Title Screen


Ok – here are some samples of the game in action. You will battle through waves of enemies, one hit and you’re toast! Maneuver carefully and watch for the patterns in the enemy firing. The path is there but you must find it!



As you progress through more and more shooting waves of enemies you will encounter large bosses who block your progress


Besides this addition, we are working on various quality of life improvements to the game. These include performance boosts and general tweaks to make the game as fun as possible. We’re committed to Boss 101 and want you to have the best experience. 

Upcoming Announcements

We have a few more new updates for you in January so stay tuned. Without giving too much away we can say this – we hope to see a lot more people getting access to Boss 101 soon! HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Also - we have been working behind the scenes to get rolling with our next big adventure. 

Thank you again and Happy New Year

We want to take a moment to express again how grateful we are for your kind support during the development and release of Boss 101. We've been living our dreams so we can bring you the best entertainment possible. Boss 101 is only the beginning of our adventure together. 

I think the end of our postmortem sums up our feelings well...

I am telling you right this instant you CAN live your dreams. Anything is possible if you are willing to put in the effort. That’s not mumbo-jumbo claptrap, that’s the TRUTH.

Boss 101 is a project of pure creation. Myself along with my friends Manon and Joshua managed to make something I personally never thought I’d see. A game without any apologies or compromise. The game we released is basically the game we wanted. That release was based on nothing except two questions we asked ourselves over and over. “Is it fun?” and “Is it done?”

That’s it. That got this game finished. When we started, the project was small and the scale was limited. The framework went up quickly and we started asking “Is this fun?” If the answer was no then we worked to add things to make it fun. Adding features we felt had value. From there we iterated and played the game. At every step, the same question was asked: “Is this fun?” This was coming out of our own time and effort. 

At one point the game pretty well hit all the story beats and we felt the value was there for anyone who would buy it. So, we released it.

And you know what? When I hit “Publish” on Steam I felt something strange. I felt no urge to apologize for the game. No sense of “Well, if we only had a few more months” or “You know, you should have seen the ideas we LEFT OUT! OH BOY you would not believe how awesome they were!” It was strange as we got past the first few hours of release and early buyers were playing and commenting on the game. Most all were getting the vibe and liking what they saw.

Really though, and I mean this — the game was already a huge success before I hit that publish button. It was a success because it proved something I long imagined possible. You can live your dreams. It’s doable. You can even do it with other people. Heck it’s BETTER when you journey with other people. Friends. Family. People you trust and can laugh with. Makes the whole shebang a lot easier.

In fact, you might learn something important about yourself while you’re on this journey. I pretty much guarantee it. I can’t tell you what that lesson is since it varies from person to person but I can tell you one thing. If you live your dreams, one day — at the end of your grand life, as you lay there thinking to yourself during your final moments on this magnificent planet — you won’t wonder “Well, if I only had a few more months” or “You should have seen the things I WANTED to do! OH BOY you would not believe how awesome they were!” No ma’am. No sir. You’re going to feel right 'cause you didn’t compromise.

Be true to yourself everyone. . . and live your dreams.

Thanks again and have a FANTASTIC new year. Talk with you soon,



Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!
Boss 101 Steam Store Page: 
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!


Posted by DarkTimmy - December 28th, 2017

Boss 101 thought for you! 

Believe in yourself and head towards the challenges in your life!


And as always - live your dreams!

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!

Boss 101 Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!

Posted by DarkTimmy - December 27th, 2017

The Big Giant Head Game Dev Podcast - Latest Podcast 2017.12.27

Big Head Podcast Link here


Talking game dev with Matt "ToborPrime" Fitzgerald. Well, game dev, Boss 101, Savage: Shard of Gosen and a lot of other random things. Hey we filled over two hours and could have gone longer! Really fun and check it out if you want to hear a lot of ramblings on both our games!

Check out Matt's game - Savage: Shard of Gosen here
Savage Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/408060/SAVAGE_The_Shard_of_Gosen/

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Boss 101 Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!

Hope you enjoy and remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!


Posted by DarkTimmy - December 20th, 2017

Boss 101 Screenshot

What's in the center of the Boss 101 universe? Maybe you'll see for yourself!


Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!

Boss 101 Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!

Posted by DarkTimmy - December 17th, 2017

Hello and welcome to the Boss 101 Holiday Update!

Hope you are having a great day and that your end of 2017 is looking to be awesome.

We have a few things to talk about and then we are off for our own holidays with friends and family. 

Gamasutra Post Mortem 

We had our Boss 101 postmortem published at Gamasutra. In it we took a look at the whole development process, how we got from a Flash game to Steam and generally talk about everything we could think about! We wanted to drop in some snippets from that document so you can see for yourself!

Here’s a direct link to the blog: https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/TimDonley/20171210/311377/Postmortem_Making_Boss_101_and_living_our_dreams.php


Some excerpts

For the TL;DR crowd
Those looking for quick summaries of the right and wrong way to make a game, you can just keep on browsing. There are few sound bites here. I liken making a game to raising a kid. You might have a plan going in but the kid has their own personality and way about them. You can fight it or you can encourage it. Boss 101 was our kid and though the game came out differently than our plans I'm incredibly proud of the team and our result. We did indeed live our dreams.

For those wondering about making games themselves
If you are looking at making games and wonder if you should, I ask you this... is it your passion? Do you feel a drive to do this even if you aren't getting paid? Do you work on games in your spare time? If you do or even feel the urge to create games for the love of games then do it. JUST DO IT! Don't listen to the naysayers. Find supporters. Work hard and be dedicated. You can do it. You will do it. No one can tell you different. 

For those wondering about "should I use this or that engine" or "this or that application for graphics, programming or sound"
Listen very carefully, there are no magic bullets in game development. Read that again please.
Everything worth two craps on this planet is the result of a lot of hard work, dedication and sweat. Games are no different. There are plenty of apps and engines out there. You need to do your own research. Do the legwork yourself and make decisions based on your talent and ambitions. What works for one might not work for you. We can talk about why things worked for us but you might be different. Remember that.


Picking a team that's right for you
If you got this far then heed my advice. I'm an an old vet who has managed and worked with many, many teams. The advice is....

Work with people you like.

This will make your journey a LOT easier and much more fun.

When looking for people to help with Boss 101 my only thought was "Who would I get in a foxhole with if the bullets were flying?" I put out ads on a bunch of art and programming sites. I ended up being fortunate to find two people who were not only talented but incredibly fun to work with. We shared many of the same gaming passions and complimented each other in our skill sets. 

I have a theory about people on teams and it boils down to this chart:


I know what you might be thinking "Hey, we need TALENTED people even if they aren't 100% onboard, they will still make a difference!". Yeah they will. They will sink your ship faster than a torpedo. You do not want talented people who aren't onboard with your project or company. Those people are leaders and if they don't like your project they will poison the studio in more ways than I can list here. You are far better hiring passionate people and training them up. They will go farther and do more. The other two quadrants speak for themselves I think. 

I was fortunate with Boss 101 when I found two talented people who also believed in the project. From there it was a matter of making the game.

The Development Process of Boss 101

A common question we asked was "Is this fun?" about everything. We added fun where needed and subtracted or adjusted un-fun items. I'll list tenets of the game and explain each as we go along. 

Entertain always - Every screen, round and aspect of the game was there to entertain in every way we could make happen. All game screens have at least some animations to prevent static or still moments. All screens contain items which relate to the world. Every time you play a minigame or sit on kite hill things are meant to fold back into the main Boss 101 narrative in interesting ways. As much as possible there were two or more bits of info, story or data in any player interaction with the game.


Tell a story - Boss 101 has a story and characters that exist in their world. We created a large narrative for the world and while parts might be unseen, it was all there when we made the game. This is what informed design decisions and ideas. It sounds absurd to say there is a reason for Make-A-Boss in any universe but we did come up with a reason and used it in the game. Things like this helped us make sense of the wacky nature of our game universe and lead to a lot of new ideas that fit well with everything else.

An example would be our BERL tutorials. These were done at the end of development. When coming up with how tutorials should look and function we referred to all the prior things in the game (story and visuals). We ended up creating a new jetpack character (BERL) who was a lonely janitor type. It made sense and gave the game a new person to play things off in the main game. 

Give the player stories too! - We wanted to create a situation where players have stories to tell their friends and family. This could be from having an amazing game round, discovering a secret or maybe learning a fun bit of story from the main campaign. 


Do things which make sense - this is an obvious thing but it might be one of the reasons the game took so long to complete. We regularly added time to development to do things that made sense. Adding in features like nice options sliders, difficulty modes, tutorials and a good amount of weapons and abilities for the player. Boss 101 started small and grew in organic ways. We didn't let the game get hampered by a deadline. We played, assessed and adjusted all the way through. A lot of times the discussion started with "Hey, this isn't Boss 101 enough!" haha


Make it right versus hitting a date - one huge thing we committed to early was making the game we wanted versus hitting a date. It seemed some of our favorite game companies favored this model too (Valve and Nintendo for example). It meant the game ran longer than estimated but it made Boss 101 something very unique and in our opinion - high quality. It's not a luxury everyone has but we felt we had to differentiate ourselves in some way and this was it. We took our time. To put this in perspective we had three people full time for much of our three and a half years.


Feature creep versus connective tissue - very much related to the above is the idea of feature creep versus connective tissue. Connective tissue for us were features that we did not plan for but upon testing a new system we would realize we needed something to bridge it into the main game. Maybe an interface, a sound, etc. It could be anything but we worked to make sure all the connective tissue was there. 

Ok – there’s more in the postmortem so check it out!


What’s next?

We have a couple announcements we except to land first thing in the new year as well as a peel at the next project we are working on!

Thank you so much for your support!

Thank you again and again for all your support over the holidays and THANK YOU so much for being there with us during Boss 101’s development.

You helped us live our dreams and we want you to remember to always….. LIVE YOUR DREAMS TOO!


Talk with you soon and take care! Have a great end of 2017 and we’re looking forward to hearing about your adventures too!



Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!

Boss 101 Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!


Posted by DarkTimmy - December 14th, 2017

Big Head Podcast Link here

Talking game dev with Matt "ToborPrime" Fitzgerald. Well, game dev, Boss 101, Savage: Shard of Gosen and a lot of other random things. Hey we filled over two hours and could have gone longer! Really fun and check it out if you want to hear a lot of ramblings on both our games!

Check out Matt's game - Savage: Shard of Gosen here
Savage Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/408060/SAVAGE_The_Shard_of_Gosen/

Boss 101 Info Roundup
Boss 101 Store Page:
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!

Hope you enjoy and remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!


Posted by DarkTimmy - December 12th, 2017

Boss 101 Screenshot

Hope your day is awesome and remember to live your dreams!


Boss 101 Info Roundup
Out now on Steam!

Boss 101 Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Please check out the Steam Store if you would be so kind!