Guess what is coming to Boss 101 this weekend for FREE!?!?
That’s right – a new arcade game for the Command Center - This one is called Rob’s Adventure and FREE TO ALL BOSS 101 OWNERS!
Rob is one of the caretakers on the Command Center in Boss 101 and has always wanted to go on an exciting adventure with the guys. Well, now he’s getting his own arcade adventure right there in the Command Center.
Rob’s Adventure
Join Rob and the Cosmic Clicks ship as they blast through way after wave of robotic enemies. You will even encounter Bosses who get progressively tougher! You heard right people this is old school SHMUP action. One hit and you die but thankfully there is always a safe path Rob can navigate through. Yes, the game does allow for unlimited continuous play but only for the best of the best.
How far will you get? Find out THIS WEEK!
Start Screen area
Dodging and weaving through the correct path! You can do it!
Or don't and pay the price!
Will you see ALL the bosses?
Zazmo Arcade Pack coming soon!
Get ready for the Zazmo Arcade Pack or ZAP coming to you from your friends at the Donley Time Foundation. A new game altogether with arcade classis reimagined! Stay tuned for more information and news about the upcoming release!
Remember to always… LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
Boss 101 - Out Now on Steam
Store Page:
Please check it out if you would be so kind!