Welcome to the latest ZAP update and thank you for joining us!
A lot of show and some tell for you this week so let’s get rolling!
Controllers and support for keyboard
Yes, we have it! Check out the latest, we have keyboard configuration for BOTH players and support for Xbox as well as PlayStation type controllers. You wanted it YOU GOT IT.
We also added a little disclaimer at the start of game load to tell you and all our friends that a controller is recommended. Come on folks – keyboard is still there but try it with a controller if you would be so kind! Your choice though and we let you do both.
Game tuning and tweaking!
Bounce shots are now in and you can select the amount of bounce. Check out some samples of bounce testing..
Richocet Shots are in too! YEEEEEEEESSSS!!!! This is one of my personal favs! You can guide your shots!
Mazard Super Bombs
Sitting still in Mazard?!?! NO MORE! You will have to keep moving while playing Mazard. This is s shot of the bomb and the current temp art for the flames. Note that the flames DO KILL enemies so there might be some useful strategy for people!
Menu Work
We did a lot of work on the menu’s this week and MAN – you gotta see the latest. Check out the sweet intro menu with the new game and option selection. Come on folks – that is COOL! HAAAAAAAA!!!
Game Play Video from Thursday
How’s the game coming along you ask? Well, look at the gameplay session from last Thursday! SEE FOR YOURSELF!
Breakdown of the games in ZAP
We had a few questions about what EXACTLY does the ZAP collection have compared to the similar games inside Boss 101. Generally speaking... a lot more! Mulitplayer, larger playing fields and tons more options are only a few. Check out the chart below for a highlight breakdown.
Ok – lots of work this week and more to come. Drop by the Zazmo store and if you are feeling froggy why don’t you sign up the ZAP Beta and check out the game yourself?!?
Zazmo beta Sign up!
FIRST UP – Do you want to be part of the Zazmo Beta program? You only need an email address and a Steam account to apply! Check out the form here and apply if think you have what it takes for AWESOME ARCADE ACTION:
Zazmo Beta Sign Up: Beta Sign Up Link
Talk with you soon everybody and remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
Zazmo Arcade Pack Info Roundup
Estimated Ship, 1st Quarter 2018
Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/770320/Zazmo_Arcade_Pack
Please wishlist us on the Steam Store if you would be so kind!