Welcome to the weekly Zazmo Arcade Update
Been a lot of action at the Time Foundation and we have the videos to prove it.
First off, Early Access
We did a bit of thinking about this one. The Zazmo Arcade has been getting some really good feedback from the community at large and we are working to take everything we can from you and integrate it. After a few weeks we felt the game had progressed to a near feature complete level and mostly was needing a lot of tuning.
In comes Early Access. We have set up this coming Thursday as the launch day for Early Access. We will be pricing the game at $6.99 and we are going to be giving current Boss 101 owners a discount when they purchase it. Details are still being ironed out and our hope is to bring over some of the friends from Boss 101.
Early Access ideally will give the game a lot more exposure and bring in more community feedback. On our end, we’re still sending out keys to as many people as we can. A lot of folks signed up for the BETA and we are using their feedback and our own direction to guide development.
Zazmo ultimately will be a collaborative project with our friends, fans and you here are invited to join. If you’re reading this and are interested we think it’s always worth commenting here or even getting a copy of the game and checking it out. There are a few ways to do this and we are always open to handing out keys to fellow devs if we feel there’s a mutual interest.
IndieDB Zazmo Key Giveaway
We are also running a contest with IndieDB for Zazmo keys to be given away. Enter here for a key if you want!
Indie DB Contest: http://www.indiedb.com/giveaways/zazmo-arcade-pack-5-games-in-1-keys-for-you#giveawaysform
Work and videos
We added a first pass of wind to Tank Wars – we still are working on the shape of the breeze and directions but it’s a start!
Tank Wars Wind in progress
Started putting in Asteroids for the various games. Did an art change for the looks of the rocks. Gameplay tunes always happening to make things feel right!
Last Stand Asteroids
Rob’s Adventure Asteroids
Dev Streams from the week
OK – more to come next week as we’ll be talking more about our experiences with Early Access and how the start went.
Stay tuned and as always – remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
Zazmo Arcade Pack Info Roundup
Twitch Channel - Monday Thursday Dev Streams at 6pm CST Donley Time Twitch
Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/770320/Zazmo_Arcade_Pack
Please wishlist us on the Steam Store if you would be so kind!