HELLO ONE and ALL! Let’s talk about Boss 101 shall we?
First - we did a little site revamp at www.donleytimefoundation.com we added in the Disqus commenting system and cleaned things up a bit overall. Mostly, we wanted the place in order for YOU to enjoy it more!
Second – One thing we are making sure to have in this game is the dialog interaction we know you love so! To that, end this update is about some of the ways we’re bringing as much to you as possible in Boss 101.
There is a LOT of feedback from STEVE, Max and even ROB (from Cosmic Clicks). Not only that but the bosses are more than likely to give you some sass when you start and end the rounds. In an earlier update we had a look at the Make a Boss and saw STEVE and Max tend to weigh in pretty critically on the boss rolls. Well, that happens during the rounds too and you never know when they might pipe in about how you’re playing or how they’re feeling.
Now what happens, you might ask, when the boss gets creamed? Well, he does what most other dying creatures do. He lets out a death wail. Not your normal groan or scream. Naw, he’s going to be WAY more colorful than that. Below is just ONE example of what he can do AND a little message from STEVE and Max about it!
Like seeing them STEVE and Max? Let us know and they’ll be back! In fact, DON’T LET US KNOW and THEY WILL STILL BE BACK! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Alright talk with you soon and LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
A message from STEVE and Max:
How a boss cries when he dies: