Well, it means we are coming to a Greenlight session soon! We will need your help when the call goes out. Our small but passionate community needs to rise up and scream “WE WANT BOSS 101 and WE WANT IT NOW (or as soon as possible)!”
The campaign is not live at the moment but we’re setting up and when we are ready we will be coming to you, hat in hand and asking if you would lend us your vote. We will make you VERY PROUD! We will make you HAPPY you said YES!
When will it be ready? Well, here’s the deal, there is no point in releasing anything until we think it’s swanky. We’re working on a nice video you can not only see but can SHOW OTHERS! The deal here is we want you to be so excited you WANT to show your buddies. That’s the whole point right?
Ok – more news is coming and in the meanwhile – enjoy STEVE and Max and more water animations (at the Full Update link below)!
That jet-pack's so powerful, it leaves a huge trail on the water even when you're 3 stories high!
HAHAH! That's what we said when we were making it! Thanks for dropping by and checking us out!