Welcome back to the latest and greatest news on Boss 101. We have a few things on the table. Game tuning and tweaking and BOSS TRAINS.
Train talk
Let’s get rolling with some BOSS TRAIN talk. ROLLING I SAY!
Well, one of the later levels of the game has one bad mofo guarded a particularly important outpost. This guy will rock you six ways to Sunday and come back for more each time. Boss 101 sent one of his most deadly (and cool looking) buddies to make trouble for you. He’s a giant segmented train with each section representing some of the most powerful boss parts you can face. One section – JUST ONE SECTION of MANY has a powerful lightning gun ready to blast you out of the sky should you get too close.
Did we mention his name is Tom?
Here’s a VFX sample of the gun warming up for a blast.
Of course – you can take this section out but you need to be ready to dismantle the rest of the train too. It won’t be enough to blast once car – you gotta get ‘em all.
Keep on the looking for more updates about this guy as we get closer to release.
Design and Tuning
We spoke earlier about the tuning phase of the game and we wanted to elaborate a little more on that. Thing is – in any game it benefits from some basic game flowchart designs. In many cases your game or any game you are working on, making or playing is made up of a bunch of choice from moment to moment. The better the designers can predict and implement the most fun choices the better you are as the player of the game.
We have sat down earlier and laid out many of the menu choices. These are arguably the easier of the flow charts to make since the choices are all straightforward and don’t really deal with a lot of player variables (unlike game play moments). Here are a few close-ups and larger zoom outs of the game we are working on. Mind you the larger zoom outs are for reference only to give you a sense of the complexity that can spring from a few simple buttons and presses on the menus.
How Guns Work at a basic level
Zoom out
Zoom in (detail)
How Hats work (overall integration with the gameplay)
Zoom out
Zoom in (detail)
How the Pause menu works
Zoom out
Zoom in (detail)
Tuning continues
We’re bring you the fun and working to make battles awesome! Check out this snippet!
Some late night gaming - you always knew dinosaurs were birds right? HAAAAAA!!!
That’s all for this week and look for more next week! Thank you again and your comments or questions are welcome.
Remember to Live Your Dreams!
Looking tiiiiiiiiiight!
Thank you!!!! Appreciate the look and the nice words!