Welcome back to the Boss 101 Update and thank you for joining us!
The video series with BERL continues! These are all hosted by BERL and this one covers the guns store including some off the beaten path looks at guns not on the regular tour!
Lots to cover so let’s get to it! The video is up on YouTube right here. Check it out!
>>> DIRECT LINK TO THE BOSS 101 Video Series - Chapter 2 - The Gun Store <<<
Some images from the video!
Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: Early 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Boss 101 December Gameplay Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkMQ1CrYeac
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!
Up next are the Command Center Map Room, the Upgrade room, the Hast Store and the Make a Boss! (and some more!). So keep checking back and check out the latest. If you have any ideas or suggestions we welcome them! Feel free to comment or reply below.
We appreciate your support and enthusiasm for Boss 101. As we work on the final stages we are COMMITTED to bringing you the best game we can. As always....
Talk with you soon!
GO! GO! GO! :D
YAY!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!