Welcome to the Boss 101 Development update and thank you so much for joining us again!
Today we are talking about OPTIONS, specifically....
Keyboard Control
Hey look, we realize that Boss 101 will be released on Steam FIRST and that means there might be a few of you who might like to play the game on a keyboard. Well, guess what. YOU CAN!
Sure, we PERSONALLY feel you will get maximum enjoyment playing Boss 101 with a controller but to each his own. To this end we have setup Boss 101 to allow keyboard mapping controls as well as changing the various UI screens to reflect your configuration. What does this mean? Let’s see!
So we have the initial options screen to adjust your controls to your preference.
Of course you have the ability to reset to defaults if you want.
You’ll notice the keys will change if you touch the keyboard and go back to the controller that is plugged in.
Start Screen Controls
Hat Store Controls
Awards Room Controls
In this room and a few others we do little graphic changes to the menu to help things fit better.
Equip panel in the Make a Boss
You see how much we like you? We are making this game for you too! The deal is we are hoping to give you as many options as reasonable and possible.
OK – talk with you soon and remember to LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
Boss 101 Info Roundup
Release Date: 2017
Planned Price: $9.99
Boss 101 Steam Store Page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/380920
Please wishlist us if you would be so kind!